Auction 10 /

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Be'Dor Yored - A collection of articles on the contemporary questions of the Sephardic community in Jerusalem - the copy of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

Sold: $170
03.09.2021 07:00pm

Be'Dor Yored - A collection of articles on the contemporary questions of the Sphardic community in Jerusalem to raise the spiritual condition of the Spanish community- published by a group of activists in an endeavor of Y. N. Mizrahi, Jerusalem 1935 - The copy of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. On the title page is Maran's signature - Raises the stature of Sphardic Jewry in recent generations!

The booklet that published in an emergency time of the Sphardic community deals with the decline of the Sphardic community and its its reasons, and its purpose is to unite and lift its condition. In the introduction, the publisher opens: "Everyone who is close to the sphardic community will be amazed at the decline it has reached in recent years. This large community that once occupied an important place in the settlement, has no foreign record today, and as if it is not in reality ... ". The publisher analyzes in depth the difficult situation of the Sphardic communities in Jerusalem and Eretz Israel, and the reasons that led to their decline. There are articles about the Sphardim, the Yemenite Committee, the Western Committee in Jerusalem, the Bukharan community in Jerusalem, the Sphardic activism and its character, the young Sphardic activists and their place in the community, important data on the state of the Sphardic yeshivas in Jerusalem in the 1930s, and more. In the last pages, "Kol Koreh" in preparation for a joint organization of the Mizrah communities in Jerusalem - a call for all Mizrah communities to unite and establish the "Committee of Mizrah Communities in Jerusalem".

112 p. 25x18 cm. Good condition.

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257. Be'Dor Yored - A collection of articles on the contemporary questions of the Sephardic community in Jerusalem - the copy of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef