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Etz Hadar - Rabbi Kook's first halakhic book in Eretz Israel - Authored the book for only about two weeks - first edition

Opening price: $100

Sold: $100
01.11.2021 07:00pm

Etz Hadar - "Negotiation of Halacha on the Benefit of the Preserved Kosher Etrogs of Our Colonial Brothers in Eretz HaKodesh, and the deformity of the Complex" By Rabbi Kook, Jerusalem, 1907 - The first halakhic book written by the Rabbi Kook after immigrating to Eretz Israel, and authored it for only two weeks. Published by Shmuel HaCohen Kook, the author's brother. Printed by Israel Dov Frumkin, Jerusalem. First edition.

In the month of Shvat 1907, rabbi kook wrote to his brother Rabbi Dov HaCohen Kook: "In those days I wrote a little about the complex etrogs ... it is possible that Shmuel, or the "pri Etz Hadar" association, will print my pamphlet on the matter". According to Rabbi Kook, all etrogs that grow in the orchards of the Land of Israel, without rabbinical supervision, "are almost certainly complex" and he came: "To remind the many the simple thing that began to forget" , and describes how the complex of the Etrogim in lemons has become so widespread in the country that there are no orchards left that can grow etrog without complex, and "almost all the etrogs sold all over the world are complex."
About a week later he noted that after two weeks of work, he was in the middle of writing. In the month of Nissan noted that the pamphlet stands in the middle of the print. The first ads for his publication were printed in the press at the beginning of the month of Sivan. Later, the son of the rabbi, Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, wrote that in this book there is a "special revelation of sharpness, as a kind of rising spring... not in the usual way of the rabbi. And all that demonstration of sharpness ... was to increase the interest of the scholars in the subject " (Zvi Kaplan, " The Glory of the "Etz Hadar" in: In the Shades of His Cloak, Jerusalem 2009 p. 59).

One of the important halakhic books published by Rabbi Kook in Eretz Yisrael, in which he clearly showed his great power in the magnitude of the virtues of the etrogs growing in Eretz Israel. The purpose of the rabbi Kook in the book was to encourage the Jews of Eretz Yisrael and the world to purchase the etrogs of the Eretz Israel that were grown in Jewish peasant orchards. Since his arrival in Eretz Israel and the beginning of his tenure as rabbi of Jaffa and the surrounding colonies, and also in his later years as rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Kook encouraged the distribution of etrogs Eretz Israel grown in Jewish-owned orchards. These were, he said, "safe from assembly and clearly kosher." Rabbi Kook himself supervised the cultivation of the etrogs in the orchards of the land.
In particular, he encouraged the Eretz-Israel Association "Peri Etz Hadar" (a department within the Orchard Association "Pardes"), which began operating in the mid-1900s, and was under his supervision. Rabbi Kook devoted over fifty letters to the subject.

Rabbi Shmuel HaCohen Kook, the author's brother, copied the manuscript, divided it into chapters, and returned it to the rabbi Kook, who added and changed it further. The book was printed at the Israel Dov Frumkin Printing House in Jerusalem, and his Brother Shmuel, was responsible for its distribution. Rabbi Kook planned to publish more pamphlets on the subject, but in fact it was the only essay published.

[2], 2-10 p. 16 p. 17-62 leaves. Paper cover [detached], very good condition.

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235. Etz Hadar - Rabbi Kook's first halakhic book in Eretz Israel - Authored the book for only about two weeks - first edition