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Exodus of the Jews from Germany - Antisemitic poster - Dresden 1895

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

Sold: $260
05.08.2023 07:00pm

Poster No. 17 of the Politischer Bilderbogen series is titled: Auszug der Juden aus Deutschland - "The exit of the Jews from Germany". Dresden 1895.

An antisemitic scene of the deportation of the Jews from Germany back to Egypt. The front of the poster shows a large procession of Jews in traditional clothing and stereotypical faces, being pushed out of Germany on ships to the sound of anti-Semitic chants by the Germans who are watching the event with joy. In the background are the pyramids of Egypt. The Jews, among whom are well-known families such as Rothschild, Hirschfeld, and others, hold signs expressing their sorrow at leaving Germany against their will, such as: "We loved you for many years, how ungrateful you Germans are!", "the "berliner Tageblatt" will next appear on January 1 in Jerusalem", when, on the other side the Germans look at them with anti-Semitic chants: "Money no longer rules the world", "Just happy dear friends, in a thousand years you will come back again". Ships of the Jews who left on which a flag is hoisted with the word "kosher" in Hebrew are seen in the upper part of the poster as they sink in the sea, and the Jews are thrown into the sea with sacks of money. In the upper left part, can be seen the building of the synagogue in Berlin on which the sign was placed: "Closed by the police, stay away". The poster is folded into a booklet, on the back of which is a long text calling for the deportation of the Jews from Germany back to Egypt with anti-Semitic reasons why Egypt is the right country to receive German Jews.

The series of anti-Semitic posters "Politischer Bilderbogen" was published between 1892-1901. A total of 33 issues were printed. The series was published anonymously, but the author was definitely identified by his contemporaries as the poet and popular writer Max Bewer. The driving force behind the idea to publish the series was Wilhelm Marr's book: "Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum" - "Judaism's Victory over Germanism" 1879, Marr, a German anti-Semitic writer, argued in his book that the Jews were the greatest threat to German culture and society. He presented the idea that the Jews and the Germans were engaged in a continuous racially based struggle, and that the Jews win this struggle. He argued that The Jewish emancipation resulting from German liberalism allows the Jews to control money and the economy in Germany. Moreover, since there is a deep difference between the Jewish race and the German race, assimilation of the Jews is not possible. The races will have to fight until the extinction of one of the races. A Jewish victory will bring about the end of the German people. (finis Germaniae) His book helped popularize the idea of anti-Semitism in Germany.

Open: 64X50 cm. Fold marks, good condition.

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42. Exodus of the Jews from Germany - Antisemitic poster - Dresden 1895