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Five letters sent from the detention camp in Kenya 1947-8 / 'Shana Tova' cards sent to the detention camps

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

01.22.2020 07:00pm

Five letters written by Yehuda Naor (husband of Knesset member Esther Raziel Naor) while he was in the Kenya detention camp in 1947-8 to his wife in Eretz Israel / 'Shana Tova' cards sent from Eretz Israel by Naor's family. Most of the letters are all about watching to be released and returning to the country, and uncertainty about how and when it will.

* Letter dated 26th Elul 1947, Gilgil, Kenya. The camp is preparing for Rosh Hashanah. 'Our room has already bought beer bottles to rejoice during the holiday ... On the first evening of 'selichot' our choir's pardon pleases the crowd of worshipers with its beautiful singers. We were allowed to pray until 12 p.m. It's just a shame we couldn't hear the radio selichot, because there is a difference of one hour between the country and here. ' And other matters. The letter contains two censorship notes - that conveyed all the letters at their time and did not leave any letters in their possession.

* Handwritten letter from Yehuda Naor to his wife Esther Raziel Naor from the Heshvan 9, 1948 Gilgil, Kenya: 'Life in the camp as usual, learning a lot and wanting to be released, I got a little fat and so I played a few times on the foot ball ...'. In his letter, Naor describes life in the camp, as well as the desire to get as much as possible in Learn. and to return to Israel as soon as possible.

* Letter dated 9/5/1948: First letter after the postal service to Israel was stopped, the detainees pack their belongings in preparation for the trip to Israel, after Colonel Reese announced that at the end of May they would be in Palestine.

* Letter dated nissan 10, 1948: The camp was announced to be moving to Eretz Israel no later than June 16, 1948. The trip is to be made by ship. This information should be kept secret in the event of a last-minute malfunction. Preparations for Passover, and look forward to celebrating the holiday next year in Eretz Israel.

* Letter dated June 8, 1948: In the evening the camp announced that it would not be transferred to Israel any time soon as peace talks were held in the country, and the arrival of the expatriates could jeopardize the desire for peace between the warring parties. The telegram sent about the arrival of the detainees a few days ago is no longer relevant today, the detainees listen to the radio "Voice of Israel" and are updated almost hourly on the events in Israel.

* Three 'Shana Tova' cards and a letter sent by Yehuda Naor's son and wife were lodged in the Kenyan detention camp for the New Year's Day. Special design cards: 'Freedom and Dror Year', 'National Release Year'.

Yehuda Naor husband of Irgun headquarters and later Knesset member Esther Raziel Naor was captured by British police on March 4, 1944 when a search of a banned radio transmitter was found in their home. After two months of investigations, Esther Naor was taken to the Bethlehem women's prison when she was pregnant. Her husband, Yehuda, was taken to the Acre prison and from there was sent to Gilgil camp in Africa where he stayed for four and a half years until the establishment of the State of Israel.

Two of the letters in the original envelopes, such as the "Happy New Year" cards are in the original envelopes. Overall very good.

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73. Five letters sent from the detention camp in Kenya 1947-8 / 'Shana Tova' cards sent to the detention camps