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HaKol BaKol - Kibbutz Hulata - Rosh Hashanah stencil printing booklet - 1950

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

Sold: $240
12.02.2023 07:00pm

HaKol BaKol, a rare booklet published by Kibbutz Hulata to mark Rosh Hashanah dealing with the state of the kibbutz and its development in various fields - September 11, 1950. Stencil printing with hand colored illustrations.

The booklet opens with a Shanah Tova greeting for members "to work hard and well, absorb many immigrants, expand the economy" - then a blessing for "our Petting zoo " - for it to grow, a "blessing for fishermen" (The kibbutz's fishing industry has developed a lot , and by October 1939 the kibbutz accounted for over half of Hebrew fishing in Eretz Israel). Next, a Shanah Tova blessing for the Gar'in (core group) members - "to learn much Hebrew... and in coming years love Hulata and remain here...", blessing for youth. as well as a "blessing for the nation" - "I bless you that the Olim will be absorbed and work happily, all children absorb children of Olim and teach them Hebrew... may there be no more wars in our land... and peace between us and our neighbors. And finally replace the tents of the Olim with beautiful buildings". Then titled "Hulata in Numbers" a chart shows member breakdown by category - "Members", "Children", "Temporaries" and "Youth".
A chapter on "Social Life" details culture in the Kibbutz Followed by chapters on "Sanitation and Health", "Precaution and Security" - "Each night 4 guards in camp... the economy area has 6 main entrances but many holes in fence (is this security?)...". Ends with a "summary".

Kibbutz Hulata is named after Lake Hula in the Upper Galilee. Founded by members of HaNoar HaOved, the Olim camps and the immigrant youth from Germany who received training in Tel Hai. In August 1942, the group rented lands of Dardara east of Lake Hula from the Jewish National Fund, and a platoon of 25-30 group members settled there where the only access was by boat. In July 1947, the Dardara site was transferred to Kibbutz Eyal. In a vote among members held in August 1943, it was decided by majority to choose lands of Tulayl, very close to the temporary site. In late 1945, construction of the permanent settlement began, and in 1946 the kibbutz moved to the location. Since drainage of Lake Hula in 1958, the kibbutz's livelihood has come from agriculture and industry, and in recent years also from tourism and various business entrepreneurships.

Rare booklet. Not listed in National Library catalog.

11 p. Very good condition.

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44. HaKol BaKol - Kibbutz Hulata - Rosh Hashanah stencil printing booklet - 1950