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"Help Fight for Freedom" - Poster Calling for Participation in Assisting the War Effort of United States Soldiers During World War II - English

Opening price: $120

Sold: $120
01.11.2021 07:00pm

העלפט דעם קאמף פאר פרייהייט דורך שפארען אייער געלט - "Help fight for freedom by saving money." A double-sided poster illustrated by the United States Treasury Department calling for assistance in financing American warfare against Axis powers during World War II. c. 1941. Yiddish. extremely rare.

The poster addresses the Jewish American citizen with a request to participate in the purchase of security savings bonds for the fighters at the front and explains:" Your country is fighting for your security, for your life. To win the battle and prevent enemy soldiers from breaking into your home and smashing you and your family with bombs, we must produce thousands and thousands of cannons, planes, tanks and ships. It costs a lot of money. The money you have invested in fees may help our soldiers now. Every American needs to save regularly to help and prove it. The employee is required to save at least 10 percent of his salary each day of salary. " At the top of the poster is an illustration of the flag of the United States, in the center - an American soldier, and Jews Standing in line to participate in the 'savings bonds'. Various savings plans are detailed: purchase regular savings bonds at fixed dates, or fill out the form that appears on the other side of the announcement according to the various values that appear in it. On the back is the symbol of the operation: "War savings bonds - official sales agency" - with a painting of an American soldier in World War II uniform.

The War Savings Stamp Program (WSS) is a patriotic program used by the United States Treasury Department to help fund the participation of American soldiers during World War II. With the beginning of US involvement in World War II in 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt initiated a new series of security savings bonds, officially called "security bonds", to finance defense-war bonds. On April 30 of that year, President Franklin D. Roosevelt himself bought his first savings debt by Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau and the next day all the bonds were available to the public, through a large advertising campaign - posters, envelopes, and more. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, "defense bonds", known as war-saving bonds, were sold in the form of stamps in various denominations (1$, 2$, 5$, 10$, 25$, 50$) so that every citizen had the economic opportunity to support the war. The stamps were affixed in a special pamphlet issued by the Government Printing Office. For this purpose, The poster before us addresses the Jewish population in Yiddish, which was the most widely spoken language among American Jewry in those years.

Size: 27x20 cm. Very good condition.

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67. "Help Fight for Freedom" - Poster Calling for Participation in Assisting the War Effort of United States Soldiers During World War II - English