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Issue of the Welt-Spiegel, reviewing Adolf Hitler's famous speech in which he declares his intention to exterminate the Jewish race in Europe. Warsaw, February 1939

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

Sold: $850
09.04.2023 07:00pm

וועלט-שפיגעל, וואכענבלאט פאר אלע - Welt-Spiegel, Wachenblatt Far Ela - A global mirror, a weekly for everyone - a rare issue of the Jewish newspaper published in Warsaw reporting in an extensive article on Hitler's most famous speech in the German Reichstag that took place three days earlier, in which he openly declares the destruction of European Jewry. February 2, 1939. A few months before the Germans invaded Poland when they locked up the Jews of Warsaw in the ghetto, and began the systematic extermination of the Jews. From the last Jewish issues of "Welt Spiegel", and from the last Jewish issues published in Warsaw before the closing of the ghetto and before the outbreak of World War II. Yiddish.

The issue opens with several reports on what is happening in European countries, then it moves to the main dictation over three pages, reviewing Hitler's speech in the German Reichstag three days earlier on January 30. The title of the article: "Big events are happening in Europe". The writer reports that for ten days many tried to guess what Hitler would say in his speech, and reports on an apparent collaboration between Hitler and Mussolini, which at that time was already clear. The writer describes how Hitler in his speech threatened a world war and reports that in England advanced preparations are already being made for a response if Hitler decides to carry out his threats. He then reports on the most famous part of Hitler's speech in which he explicitly says that the result of a world war would be the destruction of European Jewry: "Hitler admitted that Germany was going through a severe financial crisis... In his speech, Hitler threatened England, France and America... He spoke passionately about The ideas they want to promote that if war breaks out in Europe the Jewish race will be destroyed ... He threatened war three times, he gave no hint as to their next plans... The fact is that he ordered his troops to aim in the direction of England and France, but the first target he means is The Netherlands because the Netherlands is a rich country with many resources...". The writer continues and speculates on how France, England, and America will react to Hitler's threats.

The author of the article does not quote word for word what Hitler said in the speech. The tapes of the speech were saved and today you can see the tape recording of the speech. Towards the end of his speech, Hitler said: "And one thing I would like to say on this day, which deserves to be remembered not only for us Germans: during my life I was often a prophet and was often ridiculed. During the days of my struggle for power it was, first and foremost, the Jewish people who received my prophecies with bursts of laughter, when I said , that one day I will assume the leadership of the country and the German people, and then I will, among other things, also solve the Jewish problem. I believe that these waves of laughter of Judaism have already been choked down their throats for the time being. Today I would like to prophesy once again: if it will be possible for international money Jewry in Europe and abroad to deteriorate the the nations, once again, for a world war - then the result will not be Bolshevization of the world and with it the victory of Judaism, but the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe..."

In the photographs accompanying the article we see Adolf Hitler speaking in the Reichstag and behind him sits Hermann Goering, the elite Nazi: Rudolf Hess, Frick, and others. There is also a photograph documenting the registration of volunteers for the British army, Sir John Anderson, the English minister preparing the English population to be ready in the event of war to quickly provide a large army.

The Yiddish newspaper "Welt-Spiegel" was published in Warsaw, Poland, from 1924 to 1939. It was one of the most popular Yiddish newspapers in Poland, with a circulation of over 100,000 copies. The paper covered a wide range of topics, including news, politics, culture and society, with a focus on Jewish affairs, and was often critical of the Polish government's treatment of its Jewish citizens. The Walt-Spiegel was closed by the Nazis in 1939, shortly after the outbreak of World War II. Many of the newspaper's journalists and editors were killed during the Holocaust.

20 p. complete sheet. Slight tear in the title page at the top right. General condition good.

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56. Issue of the Welt-Spiegel, reviewing Adolf Hitler's famous speech in which he declares his intention to exterminate the Jewish race in Europe. Warsaw, February 1939