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"Kol Hshofar" - a prohibition on the book 'Orot' by Rabbi Kook Elul, 1920

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

05.14.2019 07:00pm

"Kol Hshofar", a prohibition on the book "Orot" written by Rabbi Kook zt "l. Which sparked the controversy in Jerusalem [by the anonymous author, Rabbi Akiva Porush], Elul 1920. With the publisher's signature: 'Vaad Agudat Hakodesh'.

The pamphlet, which was written in a harsh language towards Rabbi Kook ("נשתוממנו לראות ולשמוע דברים גסים וזרים לתורת ישראל כולה... ו בכמה דברים מגלה פנים בתורה שלא כהלכה... ספרי קוסמים הם, ולפרסם אותו ברבים כי אסור לעיין ולסמוך על כל הבליו ועל חלומותיו'), aroused great polemics and meetings of rabbis to protest against the matter, and even led the Admor of Gur to intervene in the matter in Nisan 1921. In response to the booklet, the rabbis of Jerusalem issued a joint announcement under the heading 'Tremmena Karnot Tzaddik' in Tishrei 1921, Of the Rabbis of the Rabbinical Court of Ashkenaz, Porushim and Chassidim in Jerusalem ... 'האספה של הרבנים הגאונים מבד"צ אשכנזים פרושים וחסידים בעיה"ק ירושלם ת"ו... שנאספו... חוהמ"ס תרפ"א - מביעה את צערה העמוק על חלול כבוד התורה ושם שמים בכתב הפלסתר "קול השופר"... לבזות בדברים גסים ומחוצפים את כבוד... רבנו אברהם יצחק הכהן קוק שליט"א, ותלמידו הגדול הגאון 'הצדיק רבי יעקב משה חרל"פ שליט"א."Signatures from rabbis of the city, heads of yeshivas, sages and dignitaries of the city, including Rabbi Yechiel Michal Tykocinski, Rabbi Chaim Leib Auerbach [father of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt "l], Rabbi Simcha Bunim Werner and more. The Rav himself wrote in the matter at the time: " The public was thrilled by the villain of the pamphlet "The kol Hashofar "by the instigators of the quarrel, but their efforts to constrict the steps of the holy way in which we walk, but to expand them with the help of G-o-d.

The booklet is doomed to burn, and there were hardly any copies left of this rare booklet. Most of the remaining copies, however, are missing pages.

12 pages, 24 cm, last two leaves detached, stains, folding marks, fine condition.

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278. "Kol Hshofar" - a prohibition on the book 'Orot' by Rabbi Kook Elul, 1920