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Letter from the Ga'on author of the 'Shridi Esh' in the matter of the Hebrew weekly 'Ha-Ivri', founded by Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

Sold: $150
09.30.2019 07:00pm

Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Yechiel Ya'akov Weinberg to Rabbi Meir Bar Ilan. Written on the personal card of Rabbi Weinberg as 'Av Beit Din of pilvoszki and the Galilee', the teens of the 20th century. In his letter, the Gaon writes about Mrs. Mosha Regensburg, the wife of his good friend, that her writings are worthy of being published in 'Ha-Ivri', and that her expressionis beautiful and blessed and praises her literary talent and anticipates a future for her to be a famous writer. and ask him to treat her with the respect she deserves. In 1910 Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan settled in Berlin, where he founded and edited 'Ha-Ivri' weekly. This weekly was not an official weekly of the Mizrachi movement but was a tool for expressing national religious ideas and served the Mizrahi movement. The weekly was distributed in Berlin and New York. According to the letter before us, the 'Shirei Esh', was actively involved in the design of the weekly, and even recommended those worthy of writing it. Rabbi Yechiel Ya'akov Weinberg (1884-1966), genius and known Halachic ruler, among the greatest disciples of the Alter of Slobodka. At a young age served as rabbi in Pilevski (Lithuania). After the demise of his close associate the Ga'on Rabbi Avraham Eliyahu Kaplan, was appointed in his place as head of the Beit Midrash for Rabbis in Berlin. During the Holocaust was expelled to Poland, to Warsaw Ghetto for a period of time, were he served as president of the Rabbis Association. Was sent to a labor camp and survived the Holocaust. After the War arrived in Montreux in Switzerland, were he headed the Yeshiva until his death. His Chiddushim which were salvaged from the War by one of his disciples were named 'Sridei Esh'. [1] Personal card. 10x6 cm. Stains. fine condition.

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287. Letter from the Ga'on author of the 'Shridi Esh' in the matter of the Hebrew weekly 'Ha-Ivri', founded by Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan