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Minutes of the Opening Speeches at the Nuremberg Trials - First Edition - The Copy of Dr. Jacob Robinson - United States Attorney at the Nuremberg Trials

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

Sold: $300
10.17.2021 07:00am

THE TRIAL OF GERMAN MAJOR WAR CRIMINALS - Minutes of the Opening Speeches at the Nuremberg Trials, held November 20, 1945, London, 1946. Copy of Dr. Jacob Robinson - United States Attorney at the Nuremberg Trials, with his owner's signature on the title page. Markings and highlights appear throughout the book, possibly also made by Robinson himself.

The minutes set out in full the opening speeches of representatives of the United States, the French Republic, Britain, and the Soviet Union, In the trial of the Nazi war criminals who headed the party apparatus, and are considered the greatest criminals in human history, in what is known as the "First Nuremberg Trials".

Dr. Jacob Robinson (1889-1977) a jurist, one of the greatest lawyers in Lithuania, a Lithuanian politician, diplomat, Zionist activist, educator and lecturer. During the Nuremberg trials (1945–1946), served as an adviser on Jewish affairs to the Judge Robert H. Jackson, who headed the category team on behalf of the United States, and whose name has been linked to a key role in persuading him to accept as appropriate the new idea of ​​"crime against humanity" as the Nazi indictment for crimes against Jews (the term first appeared in Nuremberg indictments). After the trial of the main war criminals, he continued to follow closely the investigation of their sentences and the procedures for punishing war criminals in a series of trials known as the "Additional Nuremberg Trials". He advised, for example, the Chief Prosecutor in the trial of Friedrich Flick, Brigadier General Telford Taylor. With the capture of Adolf Eichmann he was invited to join the prosecution team headed by Gideon Hausner. His experience in the Nuremberg trials, his knowledge of Germany and the Germans, and his knowledge of Israeli criminal law made him a key figure in the prosecution team. Following the trial, he published the book "Ha'Akov LeMishor: European Jews before the Holocaust in the Light of Historical Truth and the Eichmann Law in Jerusalem According to International Practice", in response (review) to Hannah Arendt's book "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil".

173 p. 25 cm. Very good condition.

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73. Minutes of the Opening Speeches at the Nuremberg Trials - First Edition - The Copy of Dr. Jacob Robinson - United States Attorney at the Nuremberg Trials