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Non-traditional Haggadah - Scout group 1948

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

Sold: $150
04.04.2022 07:00pm

Non-traditional Haggadah - Illustrated - Scout Group 1948 - Many Renewed texts refer to the building of the country, the Holocaust of the Jews of Europe, the uprising, and the war against the Arab enemy during the War of Independence.

The Haggadah opens with original spring songs, followed by a 10 section that deals with fulfillment and settlement. Appears a long text referring to the Holocaust that opens with the words: "In our generation, infants of the House of Israel do not shout from built walls, in our generation the earth shakes over mass graves ... " . As well as an extensive chilling description of the extermination of European Jewry: "An entire nation was led to the massacre ... a cruel hand uprooted all these from the root, one after the other and threw them into the fire, to Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzitz". In the Haggadah, the author emphasizes the aspect of the Jewish uprising. After a number of lines mentioning the extermination of European Jewry, a long text appears that opens with the words: "Who were the insurgents? Pioneers, Zionists, children of the people, workers and those who Intended to live on their own ..." and describes at length the heroism of the insurgents during the Holocaust. This text ends with the building of the land and a call to the Arab enemy who stood on the borders in 1948: "You're not scaring us, not by your grace the land was given to us ... You have no chance against us ...". There is also the text 'Kumu Toey midbar' which is very common in the kibbutz Haggadot, 'The Last Generation for Slavery and the First for Redemption We', as well as an original passage entitled: "The Song of Iron" calling for a Jewish sword war that alone can save Israel from its difficult fate. The original text of 'Had Gadya' changed to the content dealing with contemporary Hebrew settlement, and it appears in the middle of the Haggadah and not at the end as is customary.

It is known about some non-traditional Haggadot that the 'Scout Group' youth movement issued with a mention of the name of the place where the Haggadah came out. The Haggadah before us was published without specifying a particular place.

41 p. 23 cm. Stains. Good condition.

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86. Non-traditional Haggadah - Scout group 1948