Auction 09 /

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Signature of the Holy Rebbe, Poel HaYeshuo't Rabbi Shlomka of Zvi'ahel

Opening price: $1,500

Sold: $4,400
01.11.2021 07:00pm

The rare signature of the holy Rebbe Rabbi Shlomke of Zvehil - "Tzadik Yessod Olam", The fourth Rebbe of the Zvehil Chassidut, and founder of the Zvehil Chassidut in Eretz Israel, on a 'temporary reception' of the Etz Chaim Yeshiva in Jerusalem, Iyar 1936.

The signature of Rebbe Shlomke of Zavahil is extremely rare, and almost unknown, on documents he signed.

The Holy Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo Goldman [R. Shlomke Zvilehar, 1869-1945] served as Rabbi and the fourth Rebbe of Zvehil, and establishes the Zvahil Chassidut in Eretz Yisrael, Ben Nin to Rabbi Yechiel Michal from Zlotshov, a disciple of the Ba'al Shem Tov. In 1893, when he was 24, he went to study with Rabbi David Moshe of Tchorkov and stayed with him for seven years until his rabbi ordered him to return to his home to serve his community in 1900. After his father's death he began to serve as Admor and Rabbi of the city alongside his older brother, Rabbi Yechiel Michal Goldman. While still in his father's life, he received "Kvitlach" from the Jews of Zwahil and the surrounding area. In 1925 he fled with his grandson Rabbi Mordechai, from Communist Russia to Poland, and from there immigrated to Jerusalem in 1926. It is said that when he arrived in Eretz Israel with his grandson Rabbi Mordechai, when they got off the ship in Jaffa, Rabbi Shlomo said to his grandson: "We are throwing the Rebbe into the sea." Rabbi Shlomo bought land in the Beit Yisrael neighborhood where he built a small apartment, his house was simple and sparse, with almost no furniture, and no Gabayim. His house was wide open to all the poor and oppressed, standing and serving by himself the poor people who came to his house. He hid his greatness, but slowly the inhabitants of Jerusalem began to recognize it and affectionately called him 'R. Shlomke', and soon became known as a miracle generator. He studied at the Yeshivat Chayeh Olam in the Old City, and he used to get to the Western Wall by bus as all the people. Although he behaved with great simplicity and modesty and hid his rebbe, the residents of Jerusalem began to recognize his greatness and recognized him as a "Tzadik Yesod Olam". At the beginning of the year 1942, when the Nazis were standing in El Alamein, he went with Rabbi Yisrael Friedman from Husiatin to the tomb of the Orach chaim to pray for the salvation of the Jews of Eretz Yisrael, and at the end of the prayer Rabbi Yisrael said he knew the Nazis would fail. In his final year, he built the Zvihel Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Died on the 26th of Iyar, 1945, a day that, according to the Kabbalah, is related to the degree of "Yesod Shabayesod" which implies holiness. And buried on the Mount of Olives. His burial place became Tel Talpiot for the masses of Beit Yisrael.

11x6 cm. Very good condition.

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256. Signature of the Holy Rebbe, Poel HaYeshuo't Rabbi Shlomka of Zvi'ahel