Auction 06 /

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The Jalabiya of Kabbalist Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira - The Baba Sali

Opening price: $8,000

Commission: 22%

Sold: $8,000
06.17.2020 07:00pm

The Jalabiya of The great Mekubal Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira - The Baba Sali.

Moroccan Kaftan (Jalabiya) Made of thick light gray fabric. Decorated fabric ribbons were sewn to the sleeves and collar.

The Holy Rebbe Rabbi Israel Abuchatzira - The "Baba Sally" [1889-1984], son of Rabbi Mas'ud Rabbi of Tafilat (Morocco), son of Rebbe Yaakov Abuchatzira, and grandson of the righteous the "Abir Yaakov." "Kadosh" from his youth. A great genius in known and hidden, his name and glory from the end of the world to the end. Served as Chief Rabbi of Arpod and its environs. Immigrated to Jerusalem in the year 1950, and returned to Morocco in the year 1957. In the year 1964 he returned to Eretz Yisrael and established his abode in the town of Netivot. From all over the Jewish world, East and West, great and small, the great rabbis and the Admors, came to his house for a blessing and salvation request, and his name in Israel was published as "Poel Yeshuot" as one of the Rishonim. His grandchildren are the famous Admors of Abuchatzira Shlit'a.

The power of holding and wearing the holy Jalabiya We learned from the "Hatam Sofer" who writes in Toldot: "We learned from the Yerushalmi that person's clothes are influenced by his saint and the one who wearing them after him will bless with the same spirit for the good and the better, in the secret of אשר ילבשם תחתיו מבניו........"

Owner's certificate attached - a photograph of Rabbi Yechiel Abuchatzira [the Sfardic rabbi of Ramla, son of Baba Chaki, and nephew of Baba Sali] holding this Jalabiya and approbation in his handwriting and signature that this Jalabiya served his holy uncle for years - On the back of the photo.

Very good condition.

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212. The Jalabiya of Kabbalist Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira - The Baba Sali