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"The only and most effective advice is to fight it" - an important letter from the Admor of Shatz - Bnei Brak

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

11.04.2020 07:00pm

An interesting letter signed by the Rebbe of Shatz - Bnei Brak Rabbi Yaakov Maskavich, in which he advises a person who become religious on how to overcome the urge to Continue sleep in the morning. Tammuz 2017.

In his letter, the Rebbe writes to a questioner who asks for advice on how to overcome the urge to sleep when getting up in the morning: "You touched on one of the most important points in the pure work of G-d , which is not fatigue that makes you want to continue sleeping a few more minutes The evil instinct is trying to dress you and catch you so that you will be under his control ... ". The Rebbe advised: "The only and most effective advice is to fight it. That is, you decide with a complete decision That at the appointed time you will get up like a lion and by no means do you try to fall asleep again, Over time you will get used to it, and you will not have any difficulty getting up at all ... I know of no other advice than to fight the evil urge to get used to getting up on time, even if at first you will feel the need to continue sleeping but later in the day this feeling will disappear completely. What's more, the habit of fighting the evil inclination is generally the surest plan to succeed in all of G-d's work, anywhere and at any time. "

[1] leaf. Official stationery of the Rebbe. Very good condition.

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338. "The only and most effective advice is to fight it" - an important letter from the Admor of Shatz - Bnei Brak