Auction 09 /

261  From



The will of Dr. Moshe Wallach written all in his handwriting

Opening price: $250

Sold: $1,300
01.11.2021 07:00pm

"I am the undersigned Dr. Moshe Wallach also known as Dr. Moritz Wallach, being of a clear and settled mind and without any coercion and rape and unfair influence, and of my own free will, commanding here what will do with my property after my longevity years ..." The will of the mythological figure - Dr. Moshe Wallach, founder of Shaare Zedek Hospital, written entirely in his handwriting and signature. Very rare.

A detailed will in which Dr. Wallach writes that: "I declare that this will is my last will, and has legal validity, and no other will I have made before this will has any legal value."
After he requests that his property be divided among his three brothers, Dr. Wallach makes conditions in his will that no permission be given to use his property in a way that will make him or because of him any Chillul Shabbat and Jewish holidays, 25% of the property is dedicated for the benefit of scholars whose 'Toratam omanutam' and writes: "This Hekdesh shall bear the name orn - Wallach", and adds that the proceeds of the Hekdeshot will be allocated to needy scholars from the yeshiva of 'Beit Yosef Zvi' in ​​Jerusalem, for the purpose of arranging a place to live ... and the other half will be allocated to needy scholars from the 'Kol Torah' Yeshiva in Jerusalem after their marriage, and also adds things regarding the collection of compensation due to him from the State of Israel for the expropriation of land that belonged to him.

Dr. Moshe Wallach [1866-1957]: A Jewish doctor of German descent, one of the majestic figures of Jerusalem, founder, and director of the Shaare Zedek Hospital. In his youth he studied medicine in Berlin and Wurzburg. Arrived in Jerusalem in December 1890 at the age of 24, on a mission from the "Organization of Clerks and Archivists" in Amsterdam, which assisted the Jewish community in the country. At that time there were only ten Jewish doctors in the whole of Jerusalem. When he arrived in Jerusalem he became close to Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld. In 1901, Dr. Wallach established the Shaare Zedek Hospital, named after the neighborhood, using funds he raised abroad. Countless stories have been told about his wonderful personality which merged with contradictory - outwardly he showed a stiff face, but in his wide heart he personally cared for the sick of the city with devotion day and night. The hospital he founded was considered at the time to be sophisticated and advanced in the Middle East. Dr. Wallach was both the director of the hospital and the chief physician in it, he always carried on him the bundle of hospital keys whose all doors were locked by himself, and even set aside a room in which he lived inside the hospital building. Dr. Wallach's character in the hospital and in Jerusalem in general was so dominant that for a long time the hospital was referred to by the Jerusalem public as the "Wallach Hospital". Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany, gave Dr. Wallach an honorary degree when he visited Jerusalem , And in 1944 even received from the High Commissioner the Medal of Honor of the British Empire. In his old age, Dr. Wallach received the title of honorary citizen of the city of Jerusalem for his many deeds. (Before him were only four people who received the title: Haim Weizmann, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, David Ben-Gurion and Rabbi Yehuda Leib Fishman Maimon). Dr. Wallach passed away at the age of ninety. A large crowd attended his funeral, and he was buried in the Shaare Zedek cemetery near the hospital. Next to the cemetery is a street named after him.

[4] Written pages. 33 cm.
Attached are two typewritten pages. One on behalf of the 'Etz Chaim' yeshiva, which confirms that they received books from the "old activist Dr. Moshe Wallach" [Elul 1954], and the other on behalf of the management of Shaare Zedek Hospital, regarding Dr. Wallach's checks after his death.

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261. The will of Dr. Moshe Wallach written all in his handwriting