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The will of Yerachmiel Amdursky, owner of the famous Amdursky Hotel in Jerusalem - signed by his hand signature

Opening price: $250

Commission: 22%

03.09.2021 07:00pm

"Will deed' - the last will of Yerachmiel Amdursky, owner of the famous Amdursky Hotel at the entrances to the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem - signed with his hand signature. December 24, 1954. Stencil printing. Emphasis in Amdursky's handwriting, signed on each of the three pages of the will in initials, at the end of the will his full signature, as well as the signatures of the witnesses Israel Bar-Zakai, and Yosef H. cantor.

In the will, among other things, clauses relating to the administration of Amdursky's estate by his wife Tova Gittel, his son Dr. Alexander J. Amador, and a family friend, Mr. Yitzhak Zvi Janowski from Jerusalem. Amdursky also requested that after his death he be buried "on probation" in the Sanhedria Cemetery in Jerusalem."And when the day comes, the Mount of Olives will be rescued, move my bones on the mountain for the rest of the world on a piece of land that I have purchased". Appear sections regarding his debts, his plot of land in the Kinneret estate in Tiberias, guardians of his lands, the establishment of the "Nehemiah Fund" to be established after the death of his wife for the purposes of the Charity for the needy, and more.

Yerachmiel Amdursky [1877-1956] one of the pioneers of hotels in Eretz Israel. It was headed the "Amdurski Centers" hotel in Jerusalem and the "Bella Vista" hotel in Jaffa. He was also one of the founders of the Jerusalem neighborhoods Romema (where he also lived), Makor Baruch, Geula and Beit Vagan. He immigrated with his family from Mohilev, Russia, and in 1894, at the age of only 19, he ran the famous family hotel "Central Hotel (Central) J. Amdursky" in the Jaffa Gate plaza in front of the Tower of David. (The building itself was built in the late 1840s by Joseph Amzaleg in a European style that combines arches and windows). Between the years 1903 and 1930, the hotel was located in the Jaffa Gate plaza (Omar Ibn al-Khattab Square), in front of the Tower of David, it was the heyday of the famous hotel in the Land of Israel in general. Amdursky's Hotel in Jerusalem appealed to those guests, mostly Jews, who could not stay at the expensive Kaminitz Hotel or who wanted to be close to the Old City (the Western Wall, the Jewish Quarter or other sites). The High Commissioner Herbert Samuel, for example, lived in the hotel on the Saturday evening before his historic prayer at the Horba Synagogue (where Amdursky served as Gabay) on Saturday, (July 25, 1920) and on holidays when he prayed in this synagogue. One of the last guests to stay at the hotel in the Old City, before moving to the new city, was the Chabad Rebbe - Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson ("the Rebbe HaRayat"z), who was visiting Jerusalem in August 1929. The Amdursky family also lived in the apartment inside the hotel. Before moving to the Amdursky house in the Romema neighborhood. In May 1931 the hotel moved to "Julian Street" (King David Street) in the west of the city and on March 20, 1935 the hotel moved to its residence on Ben-Yehuda Street, where it remained for about 13 years until it was hit by a car bomb explosion on the street on February 22, 1948. Known as a terrorist attack on Ben-Yehuda Street). After that, the Amdurski Hotel did not operate again.

Amdursky's character was also revered by the Arabs living in Jerusalem, for example Jamal Husseini, the nephew of Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini. when his father - the Mufti's brother - was born, his mother had difficulty feeding him, and the person who helped her was Amdursky's mother, who was giving birth to his brother Shmuel at the time. The Mufti family remembered well the behavior of the Amdurski family and throughout the years used to participate in its celebrations, and at the beginning of the year used to greet with a Happy New Year. Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini also attended the wedding of his daughter Rivka, with Dr. Mordechai Boksbaum.In the middle of the wedding, the Mufti asked Amdursky what gift he was asking for his daughter's wedding, and Amdursky replied that he would like to visit the Cave of the Patriarchs with the young couple. The Mufti sent a letter to the Qadi of Hebron, and following his application the three were allowed to visit the Cave of the Patriarchs, a rarity at the time.

Yerachmiel Amdursky lies in the Sanhedria Cemetery. His memory is commemorated on the street that bears his name in the Bukharan neighborhood of Jerusalem.

[3] leaves. general condition good.

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234. The will of Yerachmiel Amdursky, owner of the famous Amdursky Hotel in Jerusalem - signed by his hand signature