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Three newspaper issues reporting extensively on the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany - 1933

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

04.19.2023 07:00pm

Three newspaper issues documenting the rise of anti-Semitism and the persecution of Jews in Germany in 1933 - the year the Nazi Party seized power, and Adolf Hitler was declared sole ruler.

The issue of the newspaper JUDISCHE RUNDSCHAU Berlin, dated July 29, 1933, titled: "Jahresbilanz eines deutschen Juden - "Annual balance sheet of German Jews" - an extensive cover story about the sad state of German Jewry since the Nazis came to power in January of that year. The writer describes the removal of the Jews of all liberal professions in Germany, details how race theory is no longer a theory, but is applied in practice, and states that the liberal era is over for the Jews of Europe as a whole - the curtain is coming down on German Jewry. And calls on the Jews to return to their original self-definition by returning to their Jewish sources: "During the last months, many of us once again removed from the closet the long-forgotten Bible to learn the language of their ancestors... It alone has the power to give German Jewry the strength to survive the severity of its fate with dignity. If this happens, in the future we will be able to look back to the year 1933, with pain, but not without pride." In the inside pages many advertisements for Jewish businesses in Germany and Eretz Israel. German. [4] pages. Tears in the margins and in the center of the title page, mainly along the fold line.

The French issue of L'ILLUSTRATION. Paris, April 8, 1933, in the issue of an extensive article about the persecution of the Jews in Germany, and the unprecedented rise of anti-Semitism. Its title: "The National Dictatorship and the Wave of Anti-Semitism in Germany". The writer describes how: "Hitler's Germany ... the most violent wave of anti-Semitism ever recorded for many years has now broken. Anti-Semitism is the basis of the political theory by which Hitler claims to rebuild the new Germany...". The author describes how the Jews were removed from the army, from the universities, and from all commercial areas, attacks by the Nazi SA against Jews and their murder without reason, and also reports on Jewish immigration from Germany to Poland and the Netherlands. The author describes the manifestations of German anti-Semitism in the form of Nazi inscriptions: "Germans buy only German goods", and spraying the Jewish shops with the word "JUDE", as well as the system of censorship operated by Germany to hide the Nazi crimes against the Jews. as well as the system of censorship operated by Germany to hide the crimes of the Nazis against the Jews. The article is accompanied by photographs of the revelations of Nazi anti-Semitism in the vandalism of Jewish shops throughout Berlin, SS men driving through the streets of Berlin in a truck announcing the German boycott, on which was written: "Germans protect yourselves! Do not buy from Jews!", and more. He also explains how Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" became in a short time the actual rule book of Nazi Germany. And how the German people were mobilized into the Nazi anti-Semitism machine. Complete sheet. 38 cm. Good condition.

The French issue of Monde & voyages from July 15, 1933. An extensive article about the Nazi party in Germany, an explanation of the destructive significance of the Nazi race theory, and a description of the persecution of the Jews. Accompanied by photographs of the "burning of the books" in Berlin, the spread of the boycott of the Jews in the streets of Berlin, the gathering of the Nazi Party, a meeting of the Nazis in Braunschweig, and more. Complete sheet.. Back cover may be missing. Good condition.

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38. Three newspaper issues reporting extensively on the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany - 1933