Auction 05 /

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Wedding in Hebron - Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Slonim - Rabbi of Hebron

Opening price: $80

Sold: $80
04.01.2020 07:00pm

A big photograph showing a family at a wedding held in the city of Hebron. In the center of the photo is the Ashkenazi rabbi of Hebron - Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef Slonim in his old age. 1930s.

Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Moshe Slonim (1880-1937), the last Ashkenazi rabbi of Hebron. In 1912, the city of Hebron was established under the instruction of Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shalom Duber Schneerson the "Torat Emet" yeshiva, there taught Rabbi Ya'akov Slonim. After World War I, the state of the community was in bad shape, due to the fact that many of its Settle had to be exiled because they were foreign subjects and lost their lands, at which time Rabbi Slonim was appointed rabbi of the Ashkenazi community, with the goal of restoring his community to pre-war and even betterment. Apart from the Torah leadership of the community, he was given financial and social missions, and succeeded in regaining ownership of the Romano house, etc. He became very famous in his actions for the rise of the Slobodka Yeshiva to Eretz Israel in order to bring the yeshiva to the city of the Avot. On Saturday, the 18th of Menachem Av 1929, riots took place in Hebron. Abu Shaker, the Arab landlord whose home is where Rabbi Slonim, defended Rabbi Slonim by his body, his family and other people who believed that the rabbi was protected and chose to stay at his house during the pogrom. The rioters injured Abu Shaker but he did not give up, and the residents of the house were rescued. During the Sabbath, Rabbi Slonim risked his life and left his home to influence the heads of government and police to stop the murder. His son and daughter were murdered in the pogrom. As a result of the death of his son and daughter, he was broken, and did not recover until his death, on the twelfth day of Tishrei 1937.

Very rare, we know about very few photograph of rabbi slonim. It is known for another photograph in which Rabbi Slonim was seen in company with people in his youth.

Size: 23x18 cm. Stains, good condition.

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117. Wedding in Hebron - Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Slonim - Rabbi of Hebron