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"Out Into Life a colorful book for our girls" - innocent stories for the German girl incorporating Nazi ideology. Stuttgart 1936 - First edition

Opening price: $250

Commission: 23%

Sold: $300
07.02.2024 07:00pm

Ins Leben hinaus Ein buntes Buch für unsere Mädel - Out Into Life, a colorful book for our girls, with over a hundred illustrations. Published by Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft - Stuttgart - Berlin - Leipzig, 1936 - first edition. A book for the young girls of Germany in the spirit of the Nazi ideals of "New Germany" - hard cover with original dust jacket all complete - copy in perfect condition, with the rare advertising leaf for the book. Dedication from 1936 on the protective page.

A book of stories by various authors on the role of women in Germany, and an attempt to instill the values of "true Germany" - the Nazi racial doctrine regarding the superiority of the Aryan race is integrated under the guise of innocent everyday stories dealing with German cities, sports, German music, German cultural thinkers, the role of German women, and more.

For example, in a story under the title "Diversity in Sports" by Gisela Mauermayer (a story written in anticipation of the 1936 Olympics held in Nazi Germany), the author describes the beauty of each sport and the "German" aspiration for excellence as she defines it: "There are many people who do not understand this desire for athletic achievement in girls, who believe that girls prefer to cook and knit...
But if we reflect on our Nordic blood values, we know that among our German ancestors, the comprehensive physical training of women, in addition to motherhood, was no less important than that of men, and that this is the only reason why the people were so robust and invincible because the fighting spirit was alive in women too... We still want to nurture the heritage of our ancestors and work on improving our skills by making ourselves strong...".

There is also a story by Elizabeth Lang under the title "The Artist of Rhythm" - about the development of music among the German people, which, according to her, reached the peak of human ability. There is an article praising Houston Stewart Chamberlain, one of the "heralds of the German racial doctrine", describing him as one who: "
was the first to take it upon himself to view German history from a racial perspective, at a time when it was believed that all people were equal in nature and talent..." and brings excerpts from his antisemitic book "Foundations of the Nineteenth Century" -
"In his book, Chamberlain clearly shows that a new era begins with the appearance of the Germanic peoples. He sees the Germanic peoples themselves as an original and refined race", and quotes from a letter Chamberlain wrote to Adolf Hitler in October 1923: "I never lost faith in Germany...".

In a story about the cities of the German Empire, German cities are described as a continuation of ancient German culture:
"The old imperial cities are not only cultural centers... but they are proof that the idea of the empire has lived in them for hundreds of years until today... This is why we love the old free imperial cities so much because the song of Germany has always lived in them, which flows with such power in our country again today...".

There is a story about "The Land of Plenty" describing a group of hikers in German cities: "When we arrive at a German settlement, we immediately feel the strong Germanness... German culture grew out of the original German way... The welcome from the entire German people is so warm that you immediately feel at home. There are German brothers and sisters in foreign lands, they stand together and fight for their existence and their Germanness. They have remained loyal to their original homeland for hundreds of years and will continue to do so... Germany, the homeland behind us!".

There are stories about the perfection and splendor of German construction, the dance, the singing, and the original German music, the manners of the original German, an article on "The Woman in New Germany" opening with a quote from Adolf Hitler: "We see in woman our strong mother, the life, work, and the struggle of the man" from a speech he delivered in 1935. The article presents the German woman as representing the National Socialist ideal. There is also a story about a "press officer" in the Hitler Youth, and more.

The advertising leaf accompanying the book reads: "This youth, pushing forward towards maturity and independence, is expressed first and foremost in the various stories written by well-known writers. Girls with courage and heart... We encounter the customs of the German people... All girls can read this beautiful book, each one will get her money's worth".

On the dust jacket is an illustration of a blonde German girl with blue eyes representing the perception of Aryan superiority among German girls.

Rare. In the world library catalog only the second edition published in 1937 appears (and even that appears in only three libraries worldwide). The first edition before us does not appear in the world library catalog world cat.

[10], 215 [1] p. Very nice copy. Clean leaves. Particularly well preserved jacket.

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52. "Out Into Life a colorful book for our girls" - innocent stories for the German girl incorporating Nazi ideology. Stuttgart 1936 - First edition