Auction 22 /

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Auschwitz Monument - a rare booklet within the framework of the international artists' competition to place a monument in memory of those perished in the Auschwitz camp in 1959

Opening price: $120

Commission: 23%

09.04.2023 07:00pm

AUSCHWITZ MONUMENT - A special booklet reviewing the international work of artists who proposed a model of a memorial for those perished in Auschwitz camp. Vienna, 1959. The booklet is written in three languages: French, German, English.

In order to place an international monument in memory of those who perished in Auschwitz, an international committee in Auschwitz organized an artist competition open to all countries in July 1957, in which 685 artists from 36 countries took part, including: Italy, France, Israel, Ireland, England, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Romania, the United States , Brazil, the Soviet Union, and many other countries. The decision-making committee headed by Henry Moore met in Auschwitz in April 1959 to choose from the 426 designs sent, seven monuments for the second stage. The designing artists themselves were invited to Auschwitz to tour the camp, and to explain each of them the meaning of the monument they created. Finally, a limited team of artists was chosen based on their chosen works - among them Oskar Hansen, Jerzy Gershonovitz, Julian Pleka, Edmund Kopitzky, and others, and they were tasked to work together and try to design a monument that would be placed in Auschwitz. One of the conditions was that the memorial they would design would also be acceptable to former Auschwitz prisoners, and that they would be satisfied with the result.

The booklet before presents photographs of the most selected works of the greatest artists, chosen in the first places by the jury out of all 426 monuments that were presented to them. In addition, there are panoramic photographs of the Auschwitz camp, Jews being led to death, and a rare photograph taken in secret showing the prisoners in the camp taking bodies to the crematorium.

[30] p. 20x13 cm. Good condition.

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151. Auschwitz Monument - a rare booklet within the framework of the international artists' competition to place a monument in memory of those perished in the Auschwitz camp in 1959