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Hebrew Banking in the Land of Israel - Big Collection. The 20th Century

Opening price: $300

Commission: 22%

10.29.2019 07:00pm

An important collection containing hundreds of different accounts leaves, personal and important documents, bank notes, check books, payment sheets, internal documents that regulate the powers of the banks operating in Eretz Israel, and extensive banking activity in Israel in the first half of the 20th century.

Among: 5 Account book of private individuals who held an account in Anglo Palestine Bank at branches Ness Ziona, Hadar Carmel, and Tel Aviv, Banknote 5 palestine pounds Bank Anglo Palestine (pierced), returns to branches and banks on behalf of Anglo Palestine Bank of September 30, 1949 on buying and selling foreign currencies, Document on US Securities held at Anglo Palestine Bank - 1951, Official document on behalf of the Jewish People's Fund announcing that the bank's manager D. Abarbaya resigned from office - Jaffa June 15, 1923, a document by the Bank for Land and Building to Eretz Israel in November 1934, publishing examples of the signature of the authorized managers of the Bank, Belgian Land Bank Israel' Account Pages, Bank Klinger Account leaves in Safed, booklet Balance Sheet of Klinger Bank in Safed, December 31, 1938 Edited by Dr. A. Hillman - Certified Public Accountant by the Government of Palestine and Additional Pages of Klinger Bank - Partially Signatures of Company Managers Eliyahu and Mordechai Klinger, Documents of the Bank for Popular Settlement in Palestine, ownerships, Account pages of Bank of Israel L. Feuchtwanger Bank Account Pages - Haifa Branch General Bank, Checkbook (mostly missing) of Limited cash bank guarantee, Documents from Israel Discount Bank Ltd., Document from Bank of Israel Mortgage and Credit Bank Ltd. - April 1934, various promissory notes, and more.

More in the collection:

Payment Pages in the Pre-Civil Bank Credit Card - 1930s, Bank Citizens' Bank Issue Pages - Tel Aviv - 1930s - Dozens of different account holders , Barclays Bank Reference Pages d. K. POS Operations Pages of an American Bank, The Loa and Haifa Savings, Bank Leumi LeIsrael Credit and Debit Notification Pages, Foreign Trade Bank Pages, Alden Bank Ltd. Bank Hapoalim, Bank of Israel Discount Bank, Early (full) checks signed with the Bank of Israel - United Kingdom stamp, The Loa and Haifa Savings, Official loan envelope from Egypt Loan Company - Eretz Israel, 1936 Protocol to the Binyamin Cooperative Bank Ordinance, Acceptance of the Bank of Israel's General Apothecary Bank - 1934, A promissory note of a cashier's escrow and savings from the workers in Haifa, Foreign Trade Bank Limited Warranty, and more.

The collection has not been thoroughly examined

Hundreds of leaves. general condition: good.

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9. Hebrew Banking in the Land of Israel - Big Collection. The 20th Century