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Secret instructions concerning the forced labor of Jews in the city of Bacau - Romania. June, 1943

Opening price: $250

Commission: 22%

Sold: $460
04.19.2023 07:00pm

Secret instructions concerning the forced labor and arrest of Jews in the city of Bacau - Romania. "Decree No. 1517" - June, 1943. A secret instruction for the apprehension of Jews who do not hold identification documents according to Romanian law. In the circular it is stated that guard soldiers whose duty it will be to check the Jews must be placed on central roads where Jews pass. Also there are instructions regarding the arrest of the Jews, their deportation, or their conscription for forced labor. The district administrators were tasked with overseeing the implementation of the instruction given as an order by Commander Stefan of Office 5, signed here with his signature. Baku, Romania, June 4, 1943. Romanian. Historical find Rare and important!

The decrees on the Jews of Baku in Romania during World War II began in 1941. Romanian anti-Semitism stemmed from diverse reasons, religious, national, economic, political, racist and even out of a desire to behave according to the fashion dictated by Nazi Germany. In June, the evacuation of the Jews from the towns and villages around Bacau to the city itself was arranged, which led to great overcrowding. The city police announced on July 4, 1941 that within 48 hours at the most, all Jews were required to wear a yellow patch on their clothes. In August 1941, restrictions on movement after 9:00 p.m. were imposed on the Jews in Bacau. In December 1941, the Bacau concentration camp for Jews was established and the Jews from Bacau were massively sent to forced labor outside the city, especially to those run by the CFR (Romanian Railway). Many even reached Bessarabia and Transnistria. The Bacau community managed to organize a canteen for the poor that offered daily meals for 1,000 people. Most of the helpers were members of the families of those sent to forced labor outside the city. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered or died of stagnation, hunger, disease and forced labor in the territories controlled by Romania. The Historians Committee, established by the Romanian government, decided that it could not name the number of Jews who were killed in the Holocaust of Romanian Jews under Romanian rule, but indicated that their number ranged between 280,000 and 380,000.

[2] Page. 31x22 cm. Tears in the margins, good condition.

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64. Secret instructions concerning the forced labor of Jews in the city of Bacau - Romania. June, 1943