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"The annihilation of Krakow Jews" - the first documentation released in Krakow to commemorate the victims of the ghetto. Krakow, 1943 - first edition

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

Sold: $240
09.04.2023 07:00pm

zagłady Ghetta w Krakowie - The annihilation of the Krakow Ghetto, edited by M. Borowicz, published by Centralny Komitet Zydów Polskich - Central Committee of Polish Jews. Krakow 1946 - first edition. Rare publication commemorating the third year of the Krakow Ghetto liquidation on March 13, 1943 - the first documentation published in Krakow to commemorate the victims of the ghetto - maps, illustrations, and photographs. Polish.

This is the first publication in Krakow to commemorate the Holocaust victims in Krakow. The details provided here include documentation of the Jewish society in Krakow during the occupation starting on September 6, 1939 when the German army entered the city and declared: "We came to Krakow as conquerors not to help you", until March 1943 the day the ghetto was liquidated, and are based on testimonies of people who were in the ghetto at the time, including Poles, underground activists who talk about resistance actions and escape attempts from the ghetto, eyewitnesses, diaries written during the events, as well as official Nazi occupier documents.
The second part contains a long table summarizing the chronology of orders by the Nazi occupation authorities in relation to the Jews by dates starting with the Nazis' entry into Krakow, as well as a glossary of words the Nazis used to disguise their true actions such as: "Resettlement" - deportation to death camps for extermination, "Expulsion" - extermination, confiscation of property, etc. One of the chapters describes the fate of children in the ghetto, the harsh scenes of separating children from their parents, and the Jews' attempt to establish a medical system that would save as many children as possible under the harsh conditions.

With the Nazi occupation of Krakow, the persecution of the Jewish population in the city began - restrictions on rights and freedom of movement, daily humiliations, forced labor and eventually mass deportation. In 1940, out of about 65,000 Krakow Jews, officially only a few thousand remained in the city, for whom the occupation authorities established a ghetto in the Podgórze district. During its operation, the ghetto was an involuntary and temporary home to about 20,000 Jews from Krakow and its surroundings. The ghetto was the site of bloody actions and deportations to the Belzec death camp. The Jewish residential area, as the Germans called it, also knew acts of bravery, escape and survival. On March 13-14, 1943, the Germans brutally liquidated the Krakow Ghetto, killing some of its inhabitants on the spot, and deporting the rest to the nearby Plaszow labor camp. This publication was published on the third anniversary of the destruction of the ghetto on March 13, 1943 - March 13, 1946.

The book is accompanied by three maps of the ghetto, as well as rare illustrations and photographs of the harsh scenes of the ghetto's liquidation by the Nazis. These include - a Nazi soldier supervising Jews during the deportation, Nazi soldiers with their weapons threatening Jews who were captured and handcuffed in the middle of the street, Nazi abuse of Jews, Jews from the surrounding area being led into the ghetto with their belongings in suitcases on carts, remnants of books looted from Jewish libraries, Jews in forced labor, the bombing of the Jewish cemetery, and more.

197 [8] p. 22 cm. Tear along front cover (glued on back). Reinforced with adhesive paper on protective page. Few stains on book pages. Good Condition.

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112. "The annihilation of Krakow Jews" - the first documentation released in Krakow to commemorate the victims of the ghetto. Krakow, 1943 - first edition