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"The black album" - postcards Folder. Early publication of the Nazi atrocities in occupied European countries. April 1940

Opening price: $500

Commission: 22%

Sold: $500
12.05.2022 07:00pm

THE BLACK ALBUM. Published by the Anti-Nazi League, Tel Aviv, April 1940 - Early publication in Hebrew of the atrocities of the Nazis in the occupied countries in Europe. Hebrew, English and French. A complete postcard folder includes all 10 postcards. The copy of Dr. Yehuda Ibn Shmuel.

The Anti-Nazi League that published this album in April 1940 deal in advertising propaganda in order to expose the Nazi atrocities before they were recognized throughout the world. As they write at the beginning of the album: "The most tragic thing is that people aren't paying attention to this horrifying information from Poland...that's why the Anti-Nazi League in Palestine took upon itself the task of breaking the apathy of the world community to these events...and intends to publish various series of pictures and illustrations that will emphasize these terrible deeds, by the representatives of Satan, in an appropriate manner. This publication is the first series and includes 10 pictures..."

The postcards were meant to be sent to acquaintances in order to reveal the barbaric face of the Nazis. Each postcard features the printed text:
"Send this card to everyone you know in the world and participate in the disclosure of the Nazi crimes." Each postcard depicts a specific crime. For instance: "Death in the wake of Hitler" - " In occupied Poland, Hitler systematically destroyed the Polish and Jewish population in an incomparably cruel manner". "The work of Nazi hangmen" -
"every day hundreds of innocent people are sentenced to death in Poland, including many rabbis, sofrim...and remain hanging on the pillars" . "The Nazi murderers enjoy themselves" -
"we see familys forced to bury their dead in graves that were often dug by the murdered themselves". "The road for victors" - "that's what the Nazis announced in Poland. According to Nazi ethics, not just the roads of the occupied countries belonged to them, but also the homes and property - even the air to breath. The captured are left with only one path to take - the path to death". "The horrific race" -
"to satisfy their sadistic pleasure, the Nazis commanded Polish prisoners to run before a car. Those who failed to reach the goal would be shot or run over by the car...".

One of the postcards contains a photograph published in the antisemitic newspaper "Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung" on December 14, 1939, showing a Jew arrested by the German security service as part of a raid to search for a hidden weapon in the Warsaw ghetto, another showing Jews in forced labor, and more.

Also for the first time reporting here on the Nazi methods of abuse and extermination known to the world only in later years, such as: the German production of "ash products", death of thousands from colds and starvation, daily executions and hanging bodies on gallows in Polish cities, hard labor, cleaning Streets in mouth and hands, cremation to ashes, etc. League slogan [as stated at the beginning of the album]: "Remember what Hitler did to you! Wipe out the memory of Hitler under the sky --- do not forget! " guided the people of the league who published the things for this purpose.

The introduction is written in Hebrew and English. The postcards are described in English, detailing the postcard titles in Hebrew and French.

[8] p., 10 postcards [8] p. And the booklet "Explanations for Pictures in the Black Album" - 4 leaves. Postcards 10x14 cm. Folder 16x10.5 cm. very good condition.

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74. "The black album" - postcards Folder. Early publication of the Nazi atrocities in occupied European countries. April 1940