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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - First Yiddish edition. Warsaw, 1934

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

Sold: $1,300
01.29.2024 07:00am

פראטאקאלן פון די "זקני ציון" די גרעסטע פראוואקאציע אין דער יידישער געשיכטע - "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the greatest provocation in Jewish history, איבערזעצונג פונם רוסישן אריגינאל - translation from the original Russian, published by גראשן ביבליאטעק - (Groszen-Bivljotek), Warsaw 1934 - The first Yiddish edition of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Extremely rare.

A complete set of the three booklets numbered 1-3 with the full text of the notorious antisemitic forged document "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". In the publisher's introduction to this Yiddish edition published in Warsaw (!) It is written that the Bern trial (which took place that year regarding the authenticity of the Protocols and in the end ruled that the "Protocols" were a forgery, and banned their distribution in Switzerland) brought renewed attention of the Jewish public to the great forgery in history. He adds that in Hitler's Germany, the "Protocols" are distributed in hundreds of thousands of copies, and that "the antisemites of all countries see the Protocols as their sharpest tool", and through them they incite pogroms again and again. Therefore, the Jewish reader, the one against whom the Protocols are directed, also needs to know the document. Therefore, the publisher decided to publish the Protocols in the language of the Jewish people so that they would know the basic methods in which antisemites operate in all the world and know how to cope with them. The publisher adds: "So that the antisemites cannot argue that we, Jews, distorted or abbreviated this most shameful terrible document, we created the translation from the original Russian according to the precise text of Sergei Nilus, who wrote it on the orders of the Tsarist police. Intentionally we did not add anything and did not omit anything, but left the forgery in all its shameful and disgusting nakedness...". In the introduction to booklet one, the publisher elaborates on the antisemitic libel as it is expressed in the "Protocols" and how in this work of hatred appears the great lie in history - the invention of a global Jewish takeover attempt in order to propagate the libel that Jews are the calamity of the world. He brings many examples of how the great anti-Semitic propagandists made extensive use of the "Protocols" over the years since they first appeared, and elaborates on how the forgery was made and how the antisemitic propagandists attempt and attempt to introduce it as an authentic document.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the most widespread antisemitic document in the world, which also had a tremendous influence on the fate of Jews in the 20th century. This text of defamation was distributed in Russia as early as 1903 with the encouragement of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Imperial Court, and was later one of the prominent books used by the Nazis as an ideological justification for the persecution of Jews. The original writings were produced over a period of about 35 years (1903-1868). The "document" describes a global action plan including 24 chapters, each called a "Protocol". Each protocol includes many paragraphs and sub-paragraphs describing in detail a practical plan for Jewish world domination prepared for implementation. According to the Protocols, the fathers of the Jewish nation, who constituted a secret society called the "Elders of Zion", convened at the first Zionist Congress in 1897 for a secret meeting. At this meeting, they conspired together to sophistically dominate the world's treasures and leadership by morally corrupting glorious cultures, exploiting money not theirs, and fomenting wars between friendly nations. (Even today, antisemites make extensive use of it in their struggle against Jews and the State of Israel).

Extremely rare. To the best of our knowledge, the Yiddish edition of The Protocols never appeared in auction.

Complete set of the three booklets (numbered 1-3). Some pages have notes and highlights in pencil. Brown paper. Overall good condition.

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71. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - First Yiddish edition. Warsaw, 1934