Auction 08 /

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'The War in Palestine' - a special edition of the Italian weekly 'La Domenica del corriere' in the midst of the War of Independence - Pro-Arab reports

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

Sold: $100
11.04.2020 07:00pm

The Italian weekly 'La Domenica del corriere' reports on the escalation of the battles of the War of Independence about two weeks after the declaration of independence, and takes a side in favor of the fighters of the Arab Legion. May 30, 1948 - Rare photographs.

On the title page of the newspaper is a large colorful painting depicting the battles between Jews and Arabs. The caption accompanying the painting takes a clear position in favor of the Arab side: "The war in Palestine. The endless rivalry between Jews and Arabs, the Holy Land is bleeding. The Arab Legion fighters are expelling the Israelis from their seats." On page 5 under the heading: 'Palestine in fiamme' - rare photographs from the scenes of the War of Independence are also accompanied by reports in favor of the Arab side:'The bombing of Jerusalem', 'A large Jewish building was hit in its entirety', 'Midnight of Mai 15 - The country is already deserted'. In the margin of a photograph showing Jews killed, it reads: 'An ambulance after the bombing'. The article accompanying the photographs states that the destruction caused to Jerusalem in the war now, is more severe than what Titus expanded it about two thousand years ago.

The paper began his way in 1899 as an illustrated supplement to the 'illustrato del Corriere della Sera'. In its early years he dealt with internal events related to events in Italy itself, and over the years became increasingly universal. In all the issues of the weekly, the title page and the last page were printed in color, with the title page describing the most significant event that took place that week. In the 1920s and 1930s it was the most read weekly in Italy, with a circulation of about 600,000 copies.

Complete sheet. Very good condition.

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220. 'The War in Palestine' - a special edition of the Italian weekly 'La Domenica del corriere' in the midst of the War of Independence - Pro-Arab reports