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"The words of Mr. Ehud Barak who would have joined a terrorist organization if he were a young Palestinian" - Shimon Peres' reply letter about Terrible things that were said

Opening price: $100

04.01.2020 07:00pm

A letter in Shimon Peres's handwriting and signature regarding Terrible things said. The petitioner, Rabbi Binyamin HaCohen sent a letter to Peres whitch he wrotes the words of blasphemy that were said and requesting Peres' response. Peres in his letter responds to things. Before us, a letter of referral, and Peres's answer in his handwriting and signature, dated 3/13/98.

In his letter, Rabbi Binyamin Cohen writes in the words of Major General Shlomo Gazit, who compared the wearing of the Kippah to a yellow badge during the Holocaust, "extremely serious things that besides the anger they provoke, they indicate a basic lack of knowledge of those who said these things ... A secular man is also standing under the canopy on his wedding day with a Kippah on his head ... " Further adds, Ehud Barak said that if he were a Palestinian boy he would join terrorist organizations" which, according to Rabbi Benjamin Cohen, "Do not add respect to whoever said them", and asks Peres' response to the comments "Knowing your positions and your attitude The warmth toward Israel's tradition".

In the reply letter titled 'Personal', Peres writes that he regrets the things that were published by Major Gazit and Ehud Barak, adding that by what he knows them both of them were unfortunate incidents and that his heart was also heavy on the horrific attacks in those days about Amos Oz that Peres calls him a "great writer and great Jew" ', And adds: "It is a pity that the rift is widening without stopping, I will do my best" and wish a happy Purim holiday.

[1] Letter in handwriting and signature of Peres on official stationery 21x15 cm.

Attached is a photograph of a letter of reference by Rabbi Benjamin Cohen. And the original envelope where Peres's letter was sent.

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215. "The words of Mr. Ehud Barak who would have joined a terrorist organization if he were a young Palestinian" - Shimon Peres' reply letter about Terrible things that were said