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Trembling letter from Lodz, two days after the surrender of Nazi Germany - May 10, 1945

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

Sold: $200
04.19.2023 07:00pm

Letter from the Association of Democratic Zionists - "The Central Committee of Poland, Lodz branch" to the members of the group in Eretz Israel. Lodz, May 10, 1945. A heart-rending letter from Lodz to the members of the Union ("Ihud") movement in Eretz Israel at the time of collecting the fragments of the Jewish people, just two days after the surrender of Nazi Germany! Typewritten printing.

"The eternal struggle between good and evil has come to an end, the last strongholds are falling. Nazi Germany is dying. The nightmare war is already at the end. After the greatest catastrophe in the history of mankind, the remnants of the shattered Jewish nation, which only miraculously survived the annihilation, emerge with the remnants of their blood... 6 million killed... On the ashes of Auschwitz, Majdanek and Treblinka, on Polish soil, where the bones of the Jews are scattered all over the country, the remains of Polish Jews come to life... We must return to life...".

"We must be as strong as we were in the death camps, in the forests and in the bunkers, we witnessed the death of our loved ones, we were with them in the last moments of their lives, the last Will left to us by the millions of our murdered brothers we must keep, we must now gather the Jewish nation from all parts of the world...". The writer addresses the survivors in Lodz at the time, asking them to contact the "Ihud" Office to deposit materials that document the Nazis' actions: "To bring materials, memoirs, historical notes, and photographs... related to our friends who perished in 1939-1945, and to send the materials urgently to our historical department in Lodz..." Later, the members express their wish that the spirit of Zionism, the liberation movements, and Western democracies will help the Jewish people rise to their feet after the terrible catastrophe that befell them.

[3] leaves. The first page lacks end. The two pages 3-4 are apparently words that were delivered at the “Ihud” conference a few days later and they lack a beginning.

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66. Trembling letter from Lodz, two days after the surrender of Nazi Germany - May 10, 1945