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"You have one who cares for you is the father of Israel" - an exciting letter from Rabbi Elimelech Shapira the Rebbe of Piaseczna-Grodzisk

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

03.09.2021 07:00pm

Letter in the handwriting and signature of the Rebbe Rabbi Elimelech Shapira - the Rebbe of Piacenza - Grodzisk. On the eve of Yom Kippur [1975].

In his letter, the Rebbe addresses warmly to his relative Rabbi Yaakov Elimelech Englard and greets him in HaTima Tova, adding: "The time has come for you to change your attitude towards us, I do not know why you are ignoring us ... You have one who cares for you, the father of all Israel, he is our Father in heaven and he will surely keep you ...", and doubles his blessing.

The Rebbe The Rebbe of Piacenza-Grodzisk, Rabbi Elimelech Shapira [1912-1997]. Born in Poland to Rabbi Yeshayahu Shapira, "the pioneer rebbe" and to Chaya Sara, daughter of the rebbe Natan Nahum HaCohen Rabinowitz of Karmilov. Named after his grandfather, Rabbi Elimelech Shapira of Grodzisk, a descendant of the Maggid of Koznitz, sixth generation to Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, the "Noam Elimelech". In 1924, as a child, he immigrated to Eretz Israel with his mother to reunite with his father, who already lived in Jerusalem. During the Holocaust, his uncle, Rabbi Klonimus Kalmish Shapira, perished and he was crowned Rebbe of Piasecna under him. Over the years, gathered around him the followers of the Grodzesk-Piaseczna-Kuznice-Warka family and their branches. After the death of Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Shapira of Grodzisk-Jerusalem, he was also crowned to the "Rebbe of Grodzisk" with the blessing of the Rebbe of the Beit Yisrael of Gur. He said the words of the Torah while editing the "tables" in Hebrew.

[1] p. Written airogram letter on both sides (two signatures of the Rebbe) 28x20 cm. Good condition.

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271. "You have one who cares for you is the father of Israel" - an exciting letter from Rabbi Elimelech Shapira the Rebbe of Piaseczna-Grodzisk