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A letter from Albert Einstein about the importance of the 'Religious Community', Princeton, 1954, was written about a year before his death

Opening price: $2,000

Commission: 22%

Sold: $10,000
05.14.2019 07:00pm

"I consider the society of Friends the religious community which has the highest moral standards. As far as I know they never made evil compromises, and they are always guided by their conscience. In international life, in especially, their influence seems to me very beneficial and effective ... '

A letter signed by Albert Einstein to Dr. Alton R. Chapel, in which he expressed his opinion about the value and importance of the community of the Society of Friends, Princeton February 23, 1954, was written at the end of his life, about a year before his death. Typewritten, signed by Albert Einstein.

This community that Einstein glorifies its morality began its journey in England in the 17th century. It championed the principle that all people in the world are equal in their actions, and throughout the years opposed racial segregation and discrimination and advocated full equality between all men and women . From this belief, even worked to abolish slavery in the United States and to help the weak in society and disaster victims. Einstein used his fame as a world-renowned scientist to promote public goals such as peace between peoples and brotherhood among people, values ​​that were consistent with the work of this group. (In an interview in the United States, he said: "I am willing to fight for peace ... A man to die for a cause he believes in as peace, than to suffer for a cause he does not believe in, like war? "). [1] leaf, official paper. 28x21 cm. Folding marks, very fine condition.

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9. A letter from Albert Einstein about the importance of the 'Religious Community', Princeton, 1954, was written about a year before his death