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From the ghetto to power. The ascent story of the Jews on German land - dangerous antisemitic publication under the guise of historical research. Berlin, 1921 - The copy of Nazi war criminal Alfred Rosenberg

Opening price: $350

Commission: 23%

Sold: $550
04.08.2024 07:00pm

Vom Ghetto zur Macht. Die Geschichte des Aufstiegs der Juden auf deutschem Boden - From Ghetto to Power. The Story of the Rise of Jews on German Soil, by Otto Kernholt, published by Theodor Weicher. Leipzig and Berlin 1921 - First edition. The copy of the Nazi war criminal Alfred Rosenberg with his signature on the first title page. (and another owner stamp Otto Ruth).

Extreme antisemitic publication depicting the myriad ways in which the Jews of the ghetto allegedly took over Germany in all areas of life. Complete copy with the original dust jacket featuring an illustration of Jews in the ghetto and below it an illustration of a neighborhood with new buildings in Germany, over which the Jews allegedly took control. One of the most dangerous antisemitic publications in Germany.

Dangerous antisemitic publication disguised as historical - scientific research, attempting to illustrate how the "Jews of the ghetto" supposedly grew to seize control of all centers of power in Germany. The author extensively examines the era of emancipation, arguing that due to equal rights granted to them, Jews infiltrated positions of power in all spheres of public and social life and essentially rule over Germany. He claims granting Jews equal citizenship went against the unanimous will of the German population. He details Jewish alleged domination of all facets of German society, saying it applies equally to Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and other European countries. Simultaneously attempting to depict Jewish penetration into the German fabric, the author downplays the persecution of Jews and pogroms throughout history, claiming numbers of victims were always exaggerated and most pogroms were justified as populations could no longer withstand the social encroachment of Jews without state assistance for their plight. He absurdly questions how pogroms involving such large Jew numbers could have occurred in European countries where Judaism today thrives in the thousands and ten thousands. A whole chapter addresses forced Christian baptisms of Jews, arguing this defiled German blood purity and proposes ways to restore it, even persecute the Christian church over this. Otto blames Emperor Frederick III, Bismarck, Wilhelm II and other German leaders for bettering Jews' situation. He derogatorily refers to "Eastern Jews" as "parasites" and discusses them with disdain and condescension, viewing them as a primitive, underdeveloped and harmful group of people. Throughout, the author's rabid antisemitism is clear - He states that there is almost no field that the Jews are not to blame: an entire chapter in the book is engaged in the control of the Jews in the German press, and another chapter dealing with their alleged inferiority in creative arts. Rural Jewish moneylenders supposedly bankrupt low-class German village folk through "rural interest rates". The number of criminals among Jews are higher than other nations, and so on. In one chapter he attacks German citizens with Jewish friendships, suspecting Jewish blood mixtures in them too. Jews are also accused of spying for powers fighting Germany.

When surveying alleged Jewish domination of the German economy he derogatorily refers to Jews as "Coin Jews". Supporting the antisemitic forgery "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", he attempts to prove the conspiracy theory that Jews worldwide unite to politically interfere in power relations between empires solely to serve Jewish people's private interests. He portrays Jewish thinkers like Spinoza and Mendelssohn's entire philosophies as merely copied from German thinkers' works, innovating nothing. He accuses Zionism of imperialism and attempting to amass Jewish power among nations. The second part of the book cites many German sources slandering Jews in attempts to prove that antisemitism is a fact embraced by all Germany, not just his personal "research", strongly recommending Germany urgently rid itself of Jews before there is no return.

The last pages feature ads for other antisemitic German publications, the back cover also promotes a book on the Jewish people's thousands of years saying: "Written with heart and soul, only with purest intent to make our people and all Aryan peoples aware of the dangers Judaism poses us. Every Aryan home should read Bildmeister's book to spread its enlightenment, knowledge and clarity to convince us of the need for protection also in the final hour".

Alfred Ernst Rosenberg [1893-1946] Nazi ideologue and war criminal in the service of Nazi Germany during World War II who was among those responsible for the Holocaust. Sentenced to death at the Nuremberg trials for his part in crimes against humanity and genocide. He held the rank of Reichsleiter in the party and served on its behalf as minister for the occupied territories in the east. Rosenberg was appointed in 1923 as the editor of the Nazi Part newspaper "Völkischer Beobachter". Rosenberg was elected to the Reichstag in October 1930 and published his book "The Myth of the Twentieth Century". The main idea of the book is that the history of nations in general and the German people in particular, must be rewritten in terms of a struggle between races. The book received enormous publicity and circulation and sold over a million copies, only second to "Mein Kampf". After Operation Barbarossa, in which large areas were captured from the Soviet Union in 1941, Rosenberg was appointed Minister of the "Ost-Ministry" responsible for managing the occupied territories in the East - the Reich Ostland Commission. In this position, he carried out all his racist plans, and was among those responsible for many war crimes, the enslavement of the Slavic population in these territories, the extermination of Jews in the territories that were subject to his supervision, and many and varied crimes against humanity. Rosenberg was captured by the Allies after the end of the war, on May 18, in a military hospital where he was staying due to a hemorrhage in his left ankle. At the Nuremberg Trials he was charged with conspiracy to commit crimes against peace, planning, initiating and conducting an aggressive war, war crimes and crimes against humanity. He was convicted on October 1 and sentenced to death. Executed by hanging on October 16, 1946. When asked if he wished to say any last words, he answered "No."

X, [1], 319 p. 25 cm. Many of the leaves were not cut in print. Original cover with the original dust jacket. Very good condition.

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73. From the ghetto to power. The ascent story of the Jews on German land - dangerous antisemitic publication under the guise of historical research. Berlin, 1921 - The copy of Nazi war criminal Alfred Rosenberg