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Letter from the Gilgil Detention Camp - Kenya, Adar 1948 - Description of Rabbi Rabinowitz's visit to the camp

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

10.29.2019 07:00pm

Letter written by Yehuda Naor to his wife Etzel member of the Irgun and later MK Esther Raziel-Naor when he was detained in Gilgil camp [Africa], Adar I 13, 1948.

In his letter, Naor describes the visit of the rabbi of South Africa Rabbi Rabinovich to the Gilgil camp. 'This great visit of the personality to our camp has for a time moved the camp from a monotonous life to a vibrant and interesting life'.He adds: 'During his brief stay in Nairobi, he successfully moved the state authorities to seriously address the question of returning the camp.' In a moment of frankness, Rabbi Rabinowitz told the Detainees about the reasons that led him to join Zionist work. While in the army he saw himself as a British Jew serving his country of origin. Then came the El Alamein period when the armies of Rommel threatened to invade Egypt and from there to the Land of Israel. At the same time a special secret military order was revealed to Rav Rabinowitz that in the event that Rommel invaded Palestine, all the Jewish soldiers serving in the British army would be transferred to Palestine and the Palestine border would be disarmed. "At the same time," the rabbi said, "I was struck by the piercing question: Who do I belong to? And the well-known conclusion found the way to militant Zionism'. He added that he hoped to return to Eretz Yisrael soon, and wanted to sing the hatikva anthem according to the original version ending with the words 'the city where David Hanna'. "If I can bring you back to Jerusalem, then with your help, experienced soldiers will be a free people in our entire land on both banks of the Jordan."
Naor adds that he heard from a soldier at the hospital in Nairobi that when the camp was transferred to Israel, the British would place a mine in the ship, and those who would survive would be routed from Egypt to Israel. As well as personal matters between him and his wife and more.

Yehuda Naor , husband of the Irgun Headquarters, and later MK Esther Raziel Naor, was captured by the British police on March 4, 1944, He was taken to Acre prison and from there he was exiled to the Gilgil camp in Africa where he spent four and a half years until the establishment of the State of Israel.

[4] leaves. All in his handwriting. Folding marks. Very good condition.

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51. Letter from the Gilgil Detention Camp - Kenya, Adar 1948 - Description of Rabbi Rabinowitz's visit to the camp