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Two rare photographs of HaMashgiach Rabbi Yechezkel Levinstein in his later years

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

04.08.2024 07:00pm

Two rare photographs of HaMashgiach Rabbi Yechezkel Levinstein in Eretz Israel during his time as Mashgiach at the Ponvez Yeshiva in his later years.

The Gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein [1885-1974] one of the great Torah and Yirah in Poland and Eretz Israel. One of the great Musar teachers of the last generation, a guide for many in the ways of Avoda and Yirah, and Ba’al Mofet. He studied in the yeshivot of Kelmė and Mir in Poland. He was a Rabbi teacher in the yeshivot of Kletsk and Łomża. On the eve of the Holocaust he moved to the Mir Yeshiva in the United States. In 1954 he made aliyah to Eretz Israel and joined the Ponovez Yeshiva in Bnei Brak. At his funeral, Rabbi Elazar M. Shach eulogized him and said that in his lifetime he never saw a Servant of G-d like Rabbi Yechezkel.

Photographs size: 11×7 cm, and 9×10 cm. Very good condition .

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219. Two rare photographs of HaMashgiach Rabbi Yechezkel Levinstein in his later years