Order of giving thanks prayer for Victory Day. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel, Jerusalem, 1945. With the end of World War II and the victory of the Allies. Rare.
A special order of prayers on the occasion of the victory of the Allies in World War II, which includes the text of the prayer “G-d is full of mercy” and “Blessing of thanksgiving for the day of victory” in honor of “the great victory of the allied kingdoms against the forces of darkness and tyranny… the tyrannical enemy… in an evil plot to crush nations under his feet , to enslave them to his tyrannical rule and to destroy your people Israel… They killed and murdered with savage cruelty thousands upon thousands of men, women and children. אתה בעוז גבורתך אמצת את רוחם וכחם של צבאותיך חילות ממלכת בריטניא הגדולה ובנות בריתה, ממשלת ארצות הברית… ועתה ה’ הננו מודים לפניך…”.
[4] p. 23.5 cm. Light stains. Good condition.