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A collection of testimony books of prisoners from the death camps and survivor books about the events of the Holocaust

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

Sold: $260
04.08.2024 07:00pm

8 Testimony books of prisoners who stayed in the death camps, and survivor books about the events of the Holocaust. Different countries, 1940s.

Statistical Truth, by K.F. Bieligk Published by Hutchinson & Co, London 1942 – First Edition. The heroic story of a resistance activist who tried to organize a revolt against Hitler within the German labor movement, was arrested and taken to the Nazi concentration camp Sachsenburg, and managed to escape to Norway.

DER BERICHT DES AMERIKANISCHEN OBERKOMMANDOS – The report of the American High Command, by the generals: General George C. Marshall, Admiral Ernest J. King, General Henry H. Arnold. Detailed official reports that provide a complete picture of American military power in World War II, from the words of senior United States military officials. The report deals with the first two years of the war. New York (1943).

VERRECKT WAHN-WUNSCH-WIRKLICHKEIT by Dr. FRIEDRICH WILHELM KONIG and RICHARD KOIMZIOLU, private publication. Austria, 1946 – first edition. “To the millions of humiliated, trampled Jews…”. About the Nazi cruelty as manifested in the years of the Holocaust under the auspices of race theory.

TEMOIGNAGES 1939-1944 BY MONSEIGNEUR SALIÉGE. Sermons preached in the death camps by the author. Paris [1945].

ZEIT OHNE GNADE – “Time Without Mercy” by RUDOLF KALMAR. Vienna, 1946 – first edition. Dr. Rudolf Kalmer was arrested by the Gestapo in March 1938 and transferred to the Dachau camp with the first Austrians who arrived at the camp. He stayed there until the end of the war, then returned to Vienna to tell future generations what he went through during the war years. German.

DIE LANGE NACHT – The Long Night. By GRETE VON SCHEUER. Vienna 1946 – first edition. Memories of a prisoner in the death camps.

SUPRÊMES TÉMOIGNAGES – about the fate of the French workers in Nazi Germany. Paris, 1946.

LE PETIT FORT DE TEREZÍN – The small fort of Terezín, about the lives of the prisoners in the Terezín camp. A pamphlet published anonymously. France (no year specified).

General condition good – very good.

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200. A collection of testimony books of prisoners from the death camps and survivor books about the events of the Holocaust